The 18734's Whacky world of wild and willy wooz covers all the glory, beauty and majesty of this sad, strange, wonderful and exciting experience we call living. Any and EVERYthing are on the table for articular (made up word) discussion. Everything from: Science, Music, Art, Movies, Comics, Books, Math, Physics, Life and death and can be found here. It's marvelous....
Monday, December 30, 2024
The random things I stumble across: Origins of an Energy Vampire edition
Sometimes the internet comment section isn't a cesspool of cancerous viewpoints and intentional rage bate trolling..... Sometimes the internet comment section is wonderful, sometimes there is legitmate discourse and witty/well thought out responses. Well, this is one of those responses. I found this whilst perusing one of my meme groups where they had a discussion on Energy Vampires:
"Ah, the enigmatic origins of the energy vampire, Colin Robinson—a question that has intrigued many. The life of an energy vampire is shrouded in mystery, much like the subtle, insidious way we sap the life force from our unsuspecting victims.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Happy Festivus everybody!
Happy Festivus one and all. May your grievances be aired and your Pole's be admired for their strength to weight ratio.
To all the wrestling contestants out there: May the best man (or woman) win.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Put on your Tinfoil Hats-- We have some Prepper nonsense coming at you
I'm not Mr. Doom and Gloom, I'm not Mr. Paranoia. I wouldn't say I'm Mr. Don't-trust-your-neighbor, but I definitely would say I'm Mr. Be-prepared. I don't mind getting side-eyes or snickers, I mind starvation and no actionable response. So like with backpacking, like with film production, like with anything I do-- I. Am. Prepared. It is foolish to assume you will rise to the situation because the reality is, when the time comes for ANYTHING, you don't rise but you fall... to your level of preparation. I do RIDULOUS amounts of prep work on any project I am involved with and contingency is my best friend which is why I am typically not caught with my pants down. At the end of the day luck is only an intersection of opportunity and preparation-- not just blind chance from Life's RNG.
All of that ^ is to say this: If you continue reading I've got some fun videos I'm stumbled across related to the umbrella terms of: EDC, DIY, and prepping. Do please come and check it out though, it is quite amusing and who knows..... could save your life.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Public Service Announcement: FESTIVUS IS UPON IS
December 23rd is right around the corner everybody. Is your Pole ready?
Continue reading for a telling of the history of festivus
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
I was Today years old when I found out about Richard 'Beebo' Russell
The world is a big place--Seriously. And in that big place are many happenings, because life is in full effect......All.The.Time. So naturally from time to time stories and events slips through my finger, and evade my radar only for me to find out years later.... shoot you may already know about Richard and his story. But if not...........CONTINUE READING
Saturday, December 14, 2024
IFKYK: Showing my Opinion with images and no words-- A story of conjecture in court
(for legal purposes we would never openly endorse of condone violence of any kind here. This post is just an educational piece about the artistic culture via the format of MEMEs are relevent and current affirs regarding the ongoing classwar here in America)
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Snowtime PSA from your friendly internet blogger whose really a technician that fixes stuff
It's that time of year that some of you LOVE and most of you HATE-- WINTER!
So in leu of that I always post preventive maintenance as well as pro-tips involving various facets of home ownership. I'm dusting off my snow blower video from last winter and posting it here. In an effort to reignite my content I'm going to be posting as much random crap as possible. My goal here is to create habit. Man I tell ya, I still very much enjoy doing this and these pieces but holy cow does my self discipline on the matter absolutely suck. But that's my problem and not yours! Enjoy.
(Continue reading for a link to my twitch page because.....why not?)
Bonus content included if you click