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Monday, December 1, 2014

Here we go again: YUP..... Women breaks science because she disagrees (KIDDING btw)

I try to be as open minded as possible. I try to remain respectful about different perspectives..... But in the end we are ALL only subjectively objective. When I come across things like this I become angry. DISCLAIMER: It is find and dandy to have faith and spirituality or religion (if you are into the whole organizations-getting-between-you-and-your-gods-personal-relationship) if it suits you, HOWEVER, when you begin to muck up the world with your bullshit I can no longer stay silent. I'm all for difference but I am also a strong supporter of knocking down bad ideas before they gain traction.

Ultra Conservative Christian Lady Goes To Museum, Tries To Debunk Evolution, Fails Beyond Miserably

"This is a video of ultra conservative Christian Megan Fox (not that Megan Fox, trust me) taking a trip to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago to debunk their 'Evolving Earth' exhibit and audit it for a liberal (aka scientific, in her mind) bias. It starts off awful and ends worse, and that's even looking past the shoddy camerawork (which wasn't easy). I posted three short teaser highlights for the video first, then the whole 30-minute thing in case you really, really like torturing yourself. Although I'd still suggest you try hanging yourself from the ceiling with some of those giant meat-hooks in your back first."

More of my religiously biased rant continued.......
(BTW.... Thanks Geekologie for the material!)

This is why using a creationists' logic and passing it off as your own doesn't work.... (also.. saying "How do you know those things existed 4,000 years ago" and scoffing at it while believing in a 2000 year old messiah figure that you havent met, is laughable at least) .Conclusion: When youre hard pressed to come up with original thoughts and not just the bullshit youve absorbed listening to somebody else than your argument falls apart..... So tell me again how YOU believe somebody elses argument that YOU cant even firmly grasp.... I'll take science's educated guess and its supporting evidence over space daddy anyday.

ANYWHO, here are the videos:

This reminds me of when someone on Wheel of Fortune confidently announces they are going to solve the puzzle, and then gets it embarrassingly wrong. There's that awkward silence that hangs in the air for a second before the buzzer indicating a wrong answer, where everyone's like "ooh, wow" This is just like that, except no one is there to solve the puzzle for her. She is living her whole life in that silence before the buzzer.

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