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Friday, August 30, 2013

Life Hacks: brought to you by the internet

Well.......when in Rome: Sex Coins from Ancient Rome

I was doing some stumbling last night (I had to wait until I got home from work tonight to blog about this....BLAH...the suspense!) and came across this random ass article
Involving Roman Sex Coins......and There's more than a few variations! AWESOME
It's funny because no matter how hard you try to suppress sex it has always been so prevelant in our history.

Continue reading to see some more pictures (see you in hell victoria's secret catalog....I got new

and herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre it is, the 100th post (applause?): A Rundown on the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' movie

So we've come to this, the 100th entry. A milestone if you will... blah blah blah blah moving on.


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is slated for release on Aug. 1st 2014. Directed by 'Slither' Writer/Director James Gunn it stars Chris Pratt, John C. Reilly and many more.
Continue Reading for the Rundown

"I think we’re getting good stuff," he says. "I don’t know what to say about it other than it might be -- Oh! It’s the greatest movie of the 21st century! That’s what I’ll say. It’ll be the Citizen Kane of movies other than Citizen Kane." -Chris Pratt/ Star-lord

Monday, August 26, 2013

Depressing info coming your way: AMERICA WILL COLLAPSE says Jeff Berwick

So in an effort to arm yourself with knowledge I've come across this startling video and like he pointed our "Nobody would've believed the Soviet Union was going to collapse if you said that them them in 1989 so why would anybody believe me" Now he didn't say that verbatim but I'm going to paraphrase. It IS scary but if you begin to prepare now then it should be O.K. when the shit goes down.

PLUS I've also got 2 more fear mongering videos if you continue reading

AMC dropped a little treat on our doorstep (and it isn't p0o)

AMC has previewed a little scene from the upcoming fourth season for their highly anticipated (and righteously kick-ass) zombie-drama 'The Walking Dead.'

Now if you click on the video below you'll be able to watch that preview. In which case, we are aLL excited. So without further ado...... here it is:

I feel obligated to mention (in case you don't know, I don't want to assume, but I like to cover all my bases) that the TV show is based on the long running comic series of the same name. IF you haven't given it a read do yourself a favor and give it a read. It doesn't start to get stupid for a looooooooong time (and even then, that is just my opinion).

also.... in case you aren't aware:
"The Walking Dead" returns Sunday, October 13 at 9/8c on AMC.

Check this out: A website of 18 everyday Items we use WRONG

Example #1

3. Forget to pack a spoon with that applesauce? No problem.

"Ever find yourself with an individual cup of applesauce or yogurt and no spoon? Instead of slurping and probably getting half of your snack on your shirt, turn the foil lid into a makeshift spoon.

AND THAT'S JSUT 1 Example (yes just is spelled wrong, I know....moving on) of the 18 everyday items you may be using WRONG. Now I know some of us (I'm looking at you there) don't like to be wrong but sometimes it is ok so don't worry we still love you! Continue reading for a few more examples and the link to the article that I stumbled across and am now sharing with you (or nobody...depending on the time of day)

World Record: LEGOs are still the sh%t

Kids today at the Red Clay School District in Delaware have set a new world record. "For what" you might say. Well I'll tell you: (as if the pictures don't already give it away)It's the record for the tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks (Aka LEGOS although they're probably trademarked or whatever and cannot flat-out call them that).

Who would've thought? And of all the places...... Continue on to read more from 'Delaware'

Sunday, August 25, 2013

DIY update: This time they're not destructive. The Arts N Crafts edition!

So D-I-Y time is back in full swing (as if it would ever leave!) and I've got some cooool projects I'd like to share with you!
Now this isn't going to be a multiple project or multiple website post. But since there are
32 ideas (really they're just pictures and really I'm not including ALL of them. Just the ones I like) I've got to have you continue reading so
this article doesn't take up 90% of the Blog's room.

See Your own Brain's Alpha waves (Disclaimer: Limited to the individual. IE: YOu can only see your own)

This article has showed me one thing already and I haven't even typed the first sentence. (<--- just did though) I'm very inclined to start off EVERY article with the word 'So', and that's interesting. It would be as if I was getting ready to begin a conversation with a friend of a face-to-face basis. But I digress, one paragraph in and I haven't even put ONE single word towards the focus of this article: Alpha Waves (there now thats two words). 

Here's how I wanted to start the article so here we go:

It is Amazing how incredibly complex your brain is (and also how incredibly dumb and foolish your brain is for being the most sophisticated organic piece of machinery in the universe) but I just came across and interesting article that uses optical illusion to help you visualize the 'Alpha Waves' your brain transmits. Continue Reading further for more details (you know you wanna.....this is actually interesting)

Picture Round-up: Cause they ain't all memes this time!

Let the list of pictures begin to pour in!!! muahahahahahaha
actually... you've gotta continue reading if this is your sort of thing baby :-)

8 more to go, then its 100 posts: $5 DIY Iphone projector!

That's right kids, it is the ultra low-budget, ghetto-fabulous DIY project of the week! (and I cannot stress enough that I'm not being sarcastic) so grab your duct tape and wire and get ready for this gem.

For just about $5 you can make this and try it out for yourself (and worst case scenerio: it completely sucks and you're only out $5)

Basically, alls your need is duct tape, a shoe box and a magnifying glass of sorts
Continue reading for more information

Friday, August 23, 2013

It's the little things in life: Mike Tyson finally play the orig punchout

Unlike a majority of us (myself included) Mike Tyson never got around to playing the original Punch out (you know the one with his name on it) and just recently got around to doing it....
I mean I don't blame him, the go is out there doing stuff (hence the reason he's earned the privelege of having his name attached to said game) so he probably hasn't had the time.
Continue reading to see the video!

Daily Words of Wisdom: Maybe....

So it's easy to confuse education with intelligence.
Education is the certification of the basic understandings of social etiquette and facts as far as a society or species go.
And Intelligence is defined as (well according to wikipedia, I couldn't think of a personal definition):
A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings—"catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do.

Words of wisdom: Don't confuse one with the other. ANYBODY (provided the time, money and discipline exists) can be educated, its easy to essentially memorize facts about subjects and jump though hoops it is hard to think about the why, what, who, where and when. INTELLIGENCE is rare, EDUCATION isn't.

 So next time you want to criticize somebody for being 'stupid' take a step back and realize this.

DISCLAIMER: THERE ARE MANY MANY MANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS OBSERVATION, but in a general sense it is very true. After all: How often do we show our ignorance when calling other people stupid (we all do stupid things at times).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

See article content for self-explaination

That is all (sorry for wasting 10 seconds of your life, or longer if you still got that dial-up)

Space is totally coool man.....totally: ION Thrusters engaged

Move over outdated-ass-combustion-to-create-propulsion methods because the future is gonna F#(k your day up! (well no really but its always fun to pretend)But right now NASA is working on new ION thrusters that can be 10 to 12 times more fuel efficiency (as stated below...quoted from article)

An ion thruster produces small levels of thrust relative to chemical thrusters, but does so at higher specific impulse (or higher exhaust velocities), which means that an ion thruster has a fuel efficiency of 10-12 times greater than a chemical thruster. The higher the rocket's specific impulse (fuel efficiency), the farther the spacecraft can go with a given amount of fuel. Given that an ion thruster produces small levels of thrust relative to chemical thrusters, it needs to operate in excess of 10,000 hours to slowly accelerate the spacecraft to speeds necessary to reach the asteroid belt or beyond.

That's right I made the text a different color, I can do that ( I'm in control now....) but anyways if you get a chance read the full article here  it's NASA official so you know it's legit. BOOYA!

This just in: Rolling stones Calls DOE out on their Bullshit (and I've had my suspicions too for years)

"We're doing the worst thing people can do: lying to our young. Nobody, not even this president, who was swept to victory in large part by the raw enthusiasm of college kids, has the stones to tell the truth: that a lot of them will end up being pawns in a predatory con game designed to extract the equivalent of home-mortgage commitment from 17-year-olds dreaming of impossible careers as nautical archaeologists or orchestra conductors. One former law student I contacted for this story had a nervous breakdown while struggling to pay off six-figure debt. It wasn't until he tapped into one of the few growth industries open to young Americans that his outlook brightened. "I got my life back on track by working for a marijuana delivery service in Manhattan," he says. "I've had to compromise who I am . . . because I started down a path that I couldn't turn away from. Student loans aren't hope. They're despair." 

That is a concluding quote from this rolling stones article (found HERE) Ripping off the young: The College Loan scandal

Spirit Science!

YOUTUBE PLUG: Interesting channel!

With WAYYY more videos. Continue reading.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

F%^k your EYES: How Color and Psychology coexist (and how others use it to manipulate you)

So it's no big surprise if you don't know that businesses sink thousands, if not millions, of dollars into investigating these kinds of things but in case you're interested continue reading to find out how your brain gets raped all the time (even if you don't notice, or try to actively go against it)

DIY Round-up: More Do-it yourself fun for everybody!

That's right kids, grab your works boots as respirators (ATHF reference? "You can't eat carpet..silly daddy") because it is time for a new installment of D I Y goodness!
I always seem to mention this but I do certainly appreciate Do-It-Yourself ethics! I also
respect empowerment and self-dependence. So if any of those things interest you 
click on and continue reading!
Visit: or

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

awwww Snap: More X-men tidbits

SUPERHEROHYPE just released an article with this nice little blueprint
for a sentinel for the upcoming X-men Movie 'Days of future past'

"in 1973, Trask Industries introduced the first Sentinel production model, the Mark I. Bolivar Trask’s groundbreaking research in AI, robotics and autonomous ballistic systems laid the foundation for the world's most capable anti-mutant defense system. Since the program's inception, we’ve continued to advance our founder's cause through eight additional generational upgrades and enhancements.

As we celebrate five decades of achievement, we also bid farewell to regular production of the Mark I and shift our efforts to full-time manufacturing of the Mark X — our first complete overhaul of the Sentinel line. These highly anticipated units will combine next-generation nanotechnology and bioweapon breakthroughs, promising an even brighter future for the human race."

Monday, August 12, 2013


There are going to be wayyyy too many videos to load here so just do yourself a favor and click on "continue reading" right now..... go on.... peer pressure...

Head Transplants a possibility?

YES! says one scientist!

THE FUTURE IS NOW and according to Italian Neuroscientist Dr. Sergio Canavero headtransplants may actually be possible. (SAWEEEEET)
Click to continue reading (what are you waiting for David, all of your friends are already here...)

AWESOME science project bra: Auto-Gauss Gun project

"I just completed my latest project after almost three years of work. It's a home made, portable coilgun that fires in semi-auto and full-auto modes. It fires 7.7 rounds per second, and the steel projectiles are powerful enough to break glass jars and crack apart a laptop screen (about 138 fps, and 11 joules of muzzle energy)."

if you continue reading you can see this shit in action!
I would also like to add that the U.S. Gov't could learn a thing or two from this (when in reality I'm sure this particular model is EXTREMELY ineffective for their purposes)

Call me Butter, cause I'm on a roll (If you've ever came into my work you've heard me say this)

Butter is the Shit..... MARGARINE is Evil, hmph.... I'm not going to lie I've always thought so, and I even ignored the supposed science supporting that claim. BUT NOW, after reading THIS article I know better. Who would've thought that big-business lied and led a smear campaign to promote a product that is anti-health yet extremely affordable to maker and market (and it also has a BIGG shelf life making it a stockable commodity)

FACT: Margarine pretty much is a lab created plastic food-like substance, and it isn't by any means a real food. It’s cheap to make (as stated above), lacks nutrition (mentioned also), and damages your health and/or well-being. But it has a longer shelve life and a higher profit margin than real butter.


Five Reasons to Eat Real Butter (TAKEN FROM ARTICLE)

  • 1. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) - Raw organic, pastured butter has loads of anti- tumor CLA. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the skin, colon, breasts and lungs. It’s anti-fungal and it stimulates muscle growth while preventing weight gain.
  • 2. Butyric Acid - Butter contains 4% butyric acid – a short chain fatty acid that research indicates can inhibit tumors. It also signals the immune system into action when an infection is brewing.
  • 3. Vitamin K2 - Raw, organic, pastured butter and cream contains vitamin K2 – a necessary co-factor in vitamin D synthesis. K2 also ushers calcium out of your blood stream and into bone cells which increases bone density instead of calcifying arterial and heart tissue. Check out Mike Barrett’s article on vitamin K deficiency symptoms.
  • 4. Fat–Soluble Vitamins – Butter is a good source of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E. It’s also an excellent vehicle for their assimilation.
  • 5. The Wulzen Factor - Raw, unpasteurized butter, cream and milk contain the “Wulzen factor” an anti-stiffness agent. It protects against calcification of the joints (osteoarthritis) as well as cataracts, and the calcification of the pineal gland. Pasteurization destroys the Wulzen Factor.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

F U Big Brother (Again.... Git Mo here I come): Privacy for mobile phones

That's right kids, now your phone can look even stupider (but also block shit from tracking you). Popular Science Published an article about it. I don't want to spoil it all but check it out
if you're interested in that kind of thing.

Apparantly I'm just ASKING to have the GOV'T kick down my door: More D-I-Y Projects (some to be wielded with responsibility)

I cannot stress this ENOUGH: the videos I'm about to post should be viewed in good judgement and should only to attempted (if at all) with responsible conduct and account measurability for the person or person udertaking the process(or processes). These videos are cool as shit but if you get hurt, cause people to get hurt, hurt yourself, or do illegal things with the information given here..that's your own dumb-ass fault...
That being said Check out these awesome videos that will probably get me on some sort of list for sure!

#1. How to make fire with just an orange (survival 101)
continue reading if you dare:

Hell Yeah: The original concept/story of 'The Star Wars' to be released as a Comic!

I had read about this happening in a comic or maybe on superherohype a while back, but now there is a trailer for 'The Star Wars' out. Maybe Dark Horse wants to kick as much ass as possible before they have to hand the rights back over to DISNEY.
 Continue reading for more info yo

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thanks for the reminder (I fucking love) Science('s facebook can be read here)

ATTENTION people who download anything: WE'RE ALL F@%KED: Nsa using PRIZM and other programs to begin to build cases against Citizens

So originally I was going to Post David Seaman's Video entitled

'REVEALED: The NSA's Data Is Being Used Against You, Really'

(Link is HERE or you can click picture to see the youtube video)

The Polar Express! (actually that movie sucked, but this IS cool): Sun changing Polarity soon!

The Place: almost 93 million miles away.... The time: 3-4 months from now. The Event: The complete destruction of humanity and the total meltdown of society as our world comes crashing down in a fiery rage Or.... It is when the Sun is expected to change polarity.
"CHANGE POLARITY!!?" you say (well maybe not literally, but for the sake of the article though,  hypothetically speaking of course) well don't worry, I respond in a casual manner, because it isn't going to kill us. (HUZZAH!) Continue reading if you're so bright your parents call you son! (even if not...continue reading)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Space Tourism, the final frontier....for Death: Space Tourism claims 'first lives' (as if anybody cares about super rich people)

In a strange turn of events that can't even be described as 'typical,' the casual 'sport' (if that's we'd call it) of space tourism has claimed its first lives. Now I don't really have much else to report here....
I found this 'Article' at PopularScience's website (Now when I say article that's a stretch because I've already typed more in here than I read in there) sourced: here (although technically I don't have to cite a source because I'm not borrowing any information)


An explosion during a rocket test at Scaled Composites-builder of the forthcoming SpaceShipTwo for Virgin Galactic-kills three and injures an additional three


So I've actually given you MORE information than I previously read. I won't even make your read on because it would be pointless.... (read on because I actually find an article about it from the guardian)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Did a stumble search for DIY projects....came across the website POPULAR SCIENCE and found this.....'Nuff said

For Plagarism purposes I want to point out that this picture (or article technically) came
from POPULAR SCIENCE's website. Click here for the source article

X-men ARE REAL! (I call being Gambit): Girl confirmed unanimously by scientists has X-ray Eyes

I'm not shitting you on this one (Well I haven't pulled any legs recently, so you have no reason to mistrust me.....although be skeptical, that's just smart) but the mutant gene MAY be real.....
That's right guys and gals, a 17 year old russian girl name Natasha Demkina possess X-ray vision. Although it probably isn't what you think it is, it is still freaking amazing! Oh and she can sometimes diagnose people before them, their doctor, or medical science would even have a clue (although those kind of results aren't typical)

Read on if you are intrigued (and you know you are baby ;-) wink)

How To Make A DIY Anti-Surveillance Spray: For the hooligan--I mean patriot, in us all.

Are you feeling intimidated by big brother? Have you ever wanted to tell 'The Man' to F$%k himself? Do you like to do things that are malicious and illegal? Well if you said yes to the latter two of those three things then this project might not be for you. (I bet you thought I was going in another direction there for a second....well no anarcho stuff here.....yet) Freedom and Responsibility go hand and hand so if you want to be able to obtain this knowledge you need to know when it is applicable. IE: Don't be a destructive, self gratifying douche with this know-how, put it to good use when Uncle Sam tries to prop a camera on every corner!

If this sounds like something you might be interested in read on....

Saturday, August 3, 2013

AWEscience, you got the hook-up: Nifty Gadgets

I rather enjoy how inadvertantly I stumble things and they accumulate into articles that type themselves. Here's one right here, right now.... So I've compiled a list of some sweet items the Do-it-yourselfer'er may be interested in:

Article Number 1:

The Leatherman Raptor: a multi-tool built to save lives

AWEscience source article: Here
PROS: Best multi use tool EVER (in theory)
CONS: Nothing, makes pocketknifes cry

Continue on with a few more cool gadgets, gizmos and solar powered smiles :-) 

Water Powered Car: Continued (farjin awesome too)

So I found some more videos about HOW-TO build a HH0 Fuel cell. I def wanna get a beat up ass car and try to do this one day. Maybe I can wait til Nancy's Car Fransisco kicks the bucket. But check out these couple of videos and a 'debunked' Mythbusters video to address the opposition (even though they cheat and don't use real science). Spread the word!!!!!

H-2-Oh my god: Water powered car (where the F$%k did that go?)

Yup, they're real. You might have heard rumors for years about cars like this getting off the ground only to be smashed by big business and here is an article about a few of those ideas. In a previous article I mentioned a guy (Stan Myers) who made a water-car and he got good poisoning and died (Cali to NY would cost 22 gallons.....of water). (video below) would be a mini LOL

More blogs tonight I Promise!

Sorry boys and girls it's been a busy last few days. Still found some AWESOME source material but I'll be posting them later tonight (EST) because right now I'm taking the love of my life out on a date and we are going to see the conjuring. Hashtag WhoneedsSwagWhenyagotLove
Ciao, til later peeps!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Movie Review: Coming Monday

Just got back from taking Nancy to see 'The conjuring' and I must say that I was really impressed by it.
I'll try to write a review of it by monday for you guys.
In case anybody is interested.

I'll rate it though 10/10