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Friday, March 6, 2015

Bring your tin foil hat! Mind control as a possibility (borderlining conspiracy)

First off.... Tin foil hats on!

Now I just want to start off my saying this: DON'T TAKE THIS AS DOGMA. Just use this possibility as a tool to think about things. After all-- The brain is the most powerful and sophisticated machine in the universe.....
This is also my 300th article so why not go out there and lose what little credibility I had by delving into borderline pseudo-science (even tough MKULTRA is real and people don't just give up on the possibility of mind control)

The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth. - Jean de La Bruyere (1645-1696)

(also... here is alittle info on the "lily Wave" mentioned in the first video

That being said.... This video makes some good points and draws up a lot of interesting inferences. From a rational stand-point, I understand the need (to a certain degree) to control society or at least herd it. In this day and age alone it can be dangerous for one person to go completely nutjob whacko and create a gas or some small explosive that could kill thousands, depopulate a city or genocide millions of innocent lives.

 Then again..... I am of the minority that would rather take its chances of that happening vs. having a gun held to my head (in a dramatic expression or metaphorical manner) to feel safe.  Bottom line: People are fallible and in that awesome faulted imperfection we strive to eradicate that one thing that makes us human, We have always hated ourselves for not being perfect and strive towards it and will kill to preserve its concept, yet it is as unattainable as a man on a wire always walking towards the infinite otherside. *Huzzah nietzsche"

Steve Jacobson also has my fav. quote of that 30min video.....
"the nation is suffering from the effects of a scientifically induced nervous breakdown. That's what we're seeing, all around us. We are the first media generation that caused a psychological standardization that  later was fragmented so that different groups could be spoken to individually and programmed individually.

"It's a spiritual issue...Spiritual consciousness is the only solution to the problems and the suffering of material existence, It is on that platform where we have our power. Because it requires us to look within for the answers, that's the only way we are going to find the,. We've been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for the answer, to use our mind in an analytical way to think our way out of a problem. Thinking got us into this mess. We've been taught WHAT to think not HOW to think"

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