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Monday, May 18, 2015

Io9 Article answers question nobody asked (well maybe a bunch of people but who counts?): How long was Frodo's journey to Mt. Doom (Amon Amarth!!!!!!)

First off....I'd like to start this Lord of the Rings article off with a nice aside: AMON AMARTH!
Here is a little history on this amazing and melodic metal band (whose name means 'Mt. Doom in elfish!) who sings about nothing other than norse mythology (Thor and Odin would be proud..... Eff you Loki). 

Now that I've got that out of my system (I love hyping these guys.....they get you pumped) I can begin to talk about the original reason why I created this article in the first place: LORD OF THE F$%*ing RINGS.

Pictured above in the realm of Middle Earth. Now if you haven't seen the movies or read the book or listened to the audiobook here is a synopsis: In this medieval era-ish world there lives many races. Some good and prosperous, some evil and destructive.... It is pretty basic. ANYWAYS.... At some point this very powerful sorcerer creates a bunch of magical rings for each of these races to help them rule. Here's the rub-- He created a ring, in secret of course because this is some shady stuff, that controls the rings he first crafted. Effectively giving him control over most of the world. 

Eventually the armies of the world rallied against him and defeated him. However the ring was not destroyed (humans are greedy and self interested so of course they didn't allow this to happen) and eventually disappeared for thousand or so years until its very existence was just a whisper....

The ring gets found by the most average, naive, and unlikely of all peoples.... Elijah Wood. Once people discover the ring and realize its power a race against time begins and it is decided that Frodo and his posse will journey to where the ring was forged (the only place it can be destroyed) and destroy it before the ring is found by a returning essence of the sorcerer (which is a giant lidless and flaming eye). I know I took a few liberties with the material, but thats the jist of it.

But the point to take away from all of this is this: There was a Point A to point B. Point A was the shire and Point B was mount doom (spoiler Alert....they eventually make it). Since we live in an age of useless information and geeky things ruling somebody decided to track that journey and give us a representation of it in terms of Miles and in terms of distance. So continue reading for all that fun stuff or read about amon amarth or do both! Also included.... IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ THE SYNOPSIS (TLDR) THERE IS A VIDEO THAT DOES A BETTER JOB INCLUDED

How long was Frodo's journey........

Turns out it’s a lot. Industrious Imgur user Mattsawizard tabulated the miles it took Frodo and his erstwhile companion Samwise to get from Bag’s End all the way to Mt. Doom in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the distance is 1350 miles — as long as it would take you to walk from Los Angeles, CA, to Austin, Texas.
So there you have it- 1350 MILES. I made this bold so you could cut the crap
This information isn't mind blowing but it is still useless and nifty. Just as a visualization all the walking in those movies only equates to a 4-state-wide hike, I say that like it is no big deal though.......

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