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Thursday, February 7, 2019

PO-TA-TOS..... Boil em, Mash em, stick em inna stew

So I don't usually Diet..... I don't do diets, I dont drink diet, hell.....I don't body build or exercise unless I have to. I am so unfamiliar with the gym I call it James, but recently that is changing. I am not the young adult I once was..... Can't go on extended benders, can't eat acidic foods past 8pm, and can't have a diet which has 0 repercussions anymore. Lately I've been on a roll and eating a roll so my weight and gut have been racking up. Where I once was a nice 145 with a small bit of toned muscle and a slimmer waste (no gut) I have devolved into a cliche dad bod. Needless to say I have been on a semi-serious (well really not so serious) search for a good way to slim down and wind the clocks back. The past month I have increased and regimented and exercise plan and have been doing that with the sole intent of increasing my cardio and losing my gut. I also have been eating better and eating less later in the night. In actuality I am just reverse engineering the factors that led to my dilemma and while it is a slow road I would definitely still meet my target Goal. That's the prologue though, I needed to give a back story so this wouldn't seem like such a left field article. Again I typically am against dieting and body building if it isnt necessary. Fast forward to 4 days ago..... I'm just doing internet surfing like I usually do to decompress after a long work day (apartment maintainance and the general public can take a lot out of you) and I'm watching some Joe Rogan clips on youtube and I see this video:

That's where some gears started churning, and I got excited.... This is exactly the kind of thing I need. So here is my testimonial so far..... (continue to keep reading)

So....The potato diet. Eat potatoes (Baked in some way/shape/form for the resistant starch), Exercise or don't, lose weight! AAAAAANNNNNNNDDDD You're telling me I get to eat Potatos! sign me up!! I started this two days ago. Basically there is a couple ways you can do so I taking a moderate option, it is a day diet where I eat nothing but potatoes during the day and eat a normal ass dinner at night (to avoid going crazy from the boring bland fashion of the diet) and I can still drink whatever (just no snacking and late night eating) and in a month I should lose about 10 to 15 pounds (and safely!).

Now this diet is meant to be supplemental and temporary, now it is true you can live solely off of a potato diet and you can still do this long term but this 'reset' is meant for short term use. Like I mentioned above, you don't NECESSARILY have to exercise to still be effective but I still will and because of that I will need to eat more potatoes on labor intensive days. The apartment complex I work at requires us to do snow removal in the winter so between that and my personal exercise regiment and now this diet I hope to be making good progress. It doesn't have to be fast but it just has to be progress. I will reach the target weight (150 and no gut) just by doing this but factors will decrease the period I'll HAVE to do this. It doesn't affect blood sugar, and doesn't negatively impact blood pressure or cholesterol! I'd talk about its effects on your gut micro biome but I'd be talking out of my ass because that's is something I just learned was a thing and I am no way even qualified to discuss it other than to mention it.

Current Build:

Big gut, Stretch marks


30-32 waste (so I can wear old pants again)
No gut, no new stretch marks with old ones eventually fading to oblivion.

I will share my progress with a few updates but this aint no damn diet blog so I won't bombard the fun with my flab journey. It is just something awesome that I'd like to share if maybe you wanna give it a shot too!

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