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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chad Howse on Clint Eastwood being a Bad Arse and things of that nature....

The Pussy Generation to which he is referring should not be limited to Generation-Y, it’s a collective nomenclature for people born within the last 30 years. The people who attack and harass the 1 percent for the redistribution of wealth.

Sometimes motherfu%&@rs keep it real...... It's just the nature of the beast..... and we all had facing hard truths. That's why I respect A-holes (I didn't say like.....I said respect), they won't generally lie to you and they won't hesitate to Eff you up with some 'Troof' from time to time. That being said...... I came across this article that has just the right amount of sass. and It is about Us all.... (at least those born in the last 30 yrs) and I think that you should consider reading this, taking an honest look at yourself intro and extrospectively, and asking how much pertains to you....

 But what the average plebeian can’t comprehend is that these people have worked hard for their money. Nowhere in the great literature of humanity does it dictate the redistribution of wealth. Isn’t that socialism? Communism? And don’t we hate the damn reds?

Continue reading for the link to this article and some opinionated writing.....

In my early 20's this was me. I did what I had to so I could pay my price and get what I deserved......except nobody told me the truth..... YOU DON'T DESERVE A DANG THING. You are born into this world with no choice and you die with no choice and everything in the middle is chance and circumstance and opportunity. Period. Nobody ever seemed to point out that you may want something and may be qualified for a career but so are thousands of other people who are equally suited and equally capable. You are special, don't get me wrong, but so is everybody else..... MAKE YOURSELF STAND OUT.. Nobody will do it for you.
I have seen a lot of my friends go to school, participate in the whole college scene and then do nothing (now I can't say the book has been written...things can change. But as of now..) They have the gull to dream and waste time and waste money and talk a big game but when it comes to chasing their dreams or taking the risk they cower.....  Me, I went to school thinking I was going to be some big shot director in Hollywood and I thought that when the film incentive came that I could make it here..... Well life has no concern about my dreams, business isn't a morally revolving supplier and since I am not leaving MI to go to CALI anytime soon.... so..... If I were to blame life or the economy or this or that for why I am not where I want to be then I would be in the same boat as those this article pertains too. I wouldn't say I have fallen victim to this situation because that isn't true. I am still in my learning phase and when I kick my life into full production my failures and success will be all me. Not god, not society, not a support group or this or that....ME

 There is this intrinsic sense of entitlement. We deserve what we WANT – not even what we need – simply because we’ve graced this world with our presence. And in turn it will bestow its riches. Unfortunately, the world just doesn’t work that way. Entitlement does not yield success

. None of us really want to work. We want that quick ticket to success and we’ve been babied into believing the real world owes us. We have selective hearing. We only take in what we want. We’ve become delusional idiots. Our generation is wrought with the jealousy of the have-mores. We’re the Occupy Movement: the complainers, the whiners, the jealous and the weak. 

Instead of actually building our work ethic and dedication, we decide to take the easy way out. To get to the apex of success, you need to sacrifice. And as many people who desire that success, most will never take the risk.

 The disease of the Pussy Generation has crept its way into every facet of our existence. In work, it’s less work, more play. They enslave themselves to the axiom: work hard, play harder. This generation does not know hard work. It’s the quick fix approach: Some Adderall to cram the night before the exam.

Sometimes good things can come out of bad things happening. I think the Dalai Lama once said "Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck" but hardwork, preparation and determination will yield success

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