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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

WE GOT A LIVE ONE OVER HERE!!!!! (mega post about to roll out) ....btw...4 away from 300posts

1. 15 Pranks That You Can Pull Without Hurting Anyone
(how bout the old....replace stick deoderant with cream cheese gag...)

2. F- U- 50 shades..... New chemical bond discovered

"Chemistry students around the globe are pretty familiar with ionic, covalent, hydrogen, and van der Waals bonds, but a study has demonstrated the existence of one more: vibrational bonding." --the article from IFLscience <--------learn more!

3. Breaking GoT news: 'the Mountain' is the strongest Viking in 1,000 years......IRL..for real

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, best known for playing Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane in HBO's Game of Thrones adaptation, just broke a 1,000-year old Viking strength record by carrying a 640 kg (~1410 pound) log across his back for five steps. According to Viking legend, the previous record holder was Ormur Stórólfsson, who managed to carry the log (which was actually the mast of a Viking ship) for three steps before breaking his back and being forced to quit. via Geekologie via the parent article

4. Neil deGrasse Tyson Sounds The Alarm Over Science Illiteracy, And For Good Reason 

seen here looking like a boss, Neil DeGrasse Tyson weighs in on science literacy and measles.
me....personally..... I am just glad he liked Interstellar as much as I did...... F*** GRAVITY Neil!.... I'm right there with you (The movie not the concept BTW) ....opps -----> the link

5.Florida Makes Off-Grid Living Illegal
(click here or here or here or really....anywhere in this little area to read the source article... blah blah)
Now typically when I read some junk like this the skeptic in me comes out..... and I look for reasons to debunk and scrutinize and I try to check my sources and fact check the site too....anyways.... I did a two day search over this article, probably about 4 hours total, and I couldn't find anything debunking this...... and that is alarming..... normally you see something like this and it is blow out up context or just fearmongering but as far as I can tell......not this time. spread the word. shareholders and CEOs dont want your independence.

6. 7 reasons a Zombie OUTBREAK/Apocalypse would fail
We've all fantasized about a zombie apocalypse.... You know youve daydreamed about being a survivor like in the walking dead now let's let reality, science, and the cold-hard truth destroy those dreams...... Damn you logic (this article is brought to you by the lovely folks over at

8. Complete DIY Slow Biosand Filtration Guide, off grid water awaits!
Basic information on Slow Sand Filtration 
Basics on Designing a Slow Sand Filter
Lots of resources from the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology
Another large guide from the Department of Health in Washington state, US.
 — with Martin Ceja.

^All provided from a Facebook link

9. I may have already posted this, but just in case......'The Mushroom/LSD Experience Explained & Explored'
"Anyone that has tried a psychedelic drug know that it’s impossible to fully explain the experience to someone who hasn’t tried one. The entertainment industry completelymisrepresents these experiences with dragons flying out of people’s faces and walls melting into nothing, which never occur even with strong doses. So, here is my best attempt at explaining the psychedelic experience."
-------nuff said------------if youve never done mushrooms------try em----unless youre allergic-----

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