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Thursday, October 17, 2013

No Conspiracies here but.... You're pretty F%u@k*d humanity: A List of unethical Human Experiements conducted in the U.S.

I figured that I'd best start by quoting the final Line on THIS wikipedia page:

"As of 2007, not a single U.S. government researcher had been prosecuted for human experimentation, and many of the victims of U.S. government experiments have not received compensation, or in many cases, acknowledgment of what was done to them."

If this sort of thing interests you then Continue reading on..... I cannot force you to see what I see or believe what I believe but I can leave a trail of dots for you to connect....

"Like Game of thrones repeatedly points out...... The world is full of Brand Loyalty and if you think the times have changed because the kings are gone think again... Democracy was put into place to quell the lower classes and keep them fighting while the wealthy keep what they have always had. Republics are a great idea until that idea is headed by those who wish to use it for selfish means" --Ryan Downs

Now regardless of your stance on conspiracies or The NWO or whatever, one thing cannot be denied: Human beings are crooked, corrupt, self-centered (on the individual level and even the 'greater good' level), self-motivated and arguably the most savage animals on this rock we call a planet. HOWEVER I also argue that we are ALSO capable of unmatched love, intelligence, compassion, patience and wonder. Without getting into perspective and philosophy I am just stating that I try to see humanity in it's full-spectrum and not from a left/right, up/down, good/evil perspective.

 That being said.....

I came across and article today (really it was an article about the Tuskegee Airmen/Syphilis experiment which lead to an article on EUGENICS IN THE UNITED STATES [<---side-side note:also f%*ked up) which then lead further to a list of UNETHICAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION IN THE UNITED STATES [Super F#&ked up and aggravating) and I must say..... THIS IS DEFINITELY the reason that no establishment or no established 'ORDER' (when I say order I mean any sort of established mentality that righteously asserts its position as good or right or holy, beit:  government, church, special interest group, Mobs WHATEVER....) will ever convince me to do anything unethical. I mean C'mon....

Giving people siphilis just to experiment on them  and then not even tell me on top of that... F$*& you humanity. Integrity and Ethics are a tricky line but as a rule of thumb I'd say that you shouldn't experiment on somebody who isn't consensual and briefed (with full disclosure) about the tests they're about to participate in.

Not to mention with all the scares these days about vaccines (Which the GOV'T CAN use to experiment on the population should it choose to......Look it up there are federal laws that allow the State to experiment on disclosed populations of people in any form with or without consent, approval or knowledge from its 'subjects')

Going beyond that are mind control experiments (but this is where I lose credibility because I'm starting to wade in the 'conspiracy' territory.) MK ULTRA DID happen... this much we KNOW. The EXTENT and OPERATIONS data has been 'misplaced' or destroyed and we only know about the project thru CLERICAL error.

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