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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Godzilla: The new trailer and brief discussion (Updated 2/27/14)

I posted an article on Tuesday talking about the new Godzilla trailer (feature below this little synopsis)
and the possibilities in it. WELL..... since then between the internet gossip, the gossip between my friends and I, and the gossip from this page (<-----that's the direct link) I've got a few more tidbits to cover.

(the official second trailer, released on the mainstream internet)
Click 'continue reading' guessed it..... continue reading

When I first posted my article my buddy Nick Therrian speculated that a few monsters might be in it like Mothra and/or Rodan.... well.... Upon reading Io9's article about their trailer breakdown, this seems a little more believe-able then I initially thought.

here's what their article had to say:

     "It's no big secret that the Godzilla reboot would have additional Kaiju. Director Gareth Edwards has long been teasing the idea of multiple monsters: "I'd like to see a Godzilla movie where there are other creatures. And I'm the director of the film, so make of that what you will." And now it looks as though he got his wish. The brand new trailer is full of what look like potential Kaiju sightings.  
      HOWEVER, while we know that Toho productions gave Legendary Pictures the rights to Godzilla, we do not know if they gave up the rights to other classic Toho monsters. So while something may look like Rodan, it may not actually legally be called Rodan. Then again, Toho is also distributing this new reboot in Japan, so we're not sure why they would shoot themselves in the foot like that. They could have granted Legendary Pictures rights to all the monsters, but kept the actual roster secret for now, to make it a surprise when the time comes."
Another interesting point brought up in the comments section of the Io9 article as well as from my friend (and avid Godzilla enthusiast) Dana Winkler (of the Danadiabolical persuasion) was the supposed/alleged appearance of the 'Shobijin' aka....the Mothra Fairies:

While there are definitely two figures appearing in this photo it is debatable at this time as to who/what they are. They could be a broken bookshelf for all we know, but again the gossip is that they are the two priestesses that accompany Mothra

(what do you think? Think for yourself......)

Either way all this speculation gets me excited. Nothing is greater than speculating about future events for upcoming movies, heck, I did a whole article about time-traveling wolverine for 'Days of future past' that will probably end up just being fodder. But still, it is good to engage the creative parts of the brain and the unknown has often been known to do that...... ever heard up superstition (or religion if you're an atheist).

Is this photo of a different creature than the first gif? It is definitely another angle if it is, or maybe another flying creature/ new creature. 

(who is it? Or maybe something new and completely different. or some hybrid..who knows....besides TOHO)

my next bit of speculation comes from a rumor that Gigan may be in the new Godzilla although I highly doubt they'd cram this much into the first installment of a rebooting franchise.
Again, for them to introduce Gigan early, to me, would kill the ability to let him arrive in a later sequel. Not to mention unless the new threats that Godzilla faces are already half cyborg this would seem out of place. Yes I can accept that if these new creatures aren't from the sea or the result of nuclear tests that they could be space-faring but to include a half-cyborg from the get-go..... You'd be Green Lantern-ing that plot (by that I mean cramming in too much canon over a relatively short story arc). I would love to see all the monsters eventually and I would love to see maybe one or two fight Godzilla this movie (which is also speculated....observe the picture below) I don't want them to skip potential creatures being the result of human arrogance or ones in a deep-sea prehistoric nap (cough cough cloverfield), or something akin to that. Save space for is the final frontier.

('s....TWINS... well maybe)

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