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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

'Y' my generation sucks: Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

Just came across (ewwwww) an article off of the huffington post's website entitled

'Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy'

and it is a pretty interesting read.

It is a given that my generation has a serious problem with: Constructed criticism, delusional expectations, over-inflated egos, over-inflated self-worth etc
but I don't fully agree with all the points in this article. Granted, when reading it the first time, all the points makes sense and the argument seems agreeable after your initial read but I still find a couple foundational flaws with some of the variables that come with living. 

First off Read the article HERE and then click to continue reading so I can fill your head with my opinions!

My first and biggest problem with this piece is the bias it elevates towards the 'baby boomers' generation. Granted that I consider them one of the greatest generations that has lived and prospered on Earth but I must also note that they are responsible for some of the biggest mistakes made to this planet in the last 200 years. They equate their generation with being hard working, goal oriented, team conscious etc but they seem to think that has gone by the wayside. 

Personally I understand that their are myriads of factors (both obvious and hidden, both complex and simple) and variables so to even TRY to quantify a reason may seem foolish in the grand scheme of probabilities, however, an elevation in consciousness may be one of those millions of factors. I WILL NOT claim to have all or any of the answers here, I'm just giving one POSSIBLE cause.

People equate my generation to being lazy and what not but we also like to think and create and yeah we may be distracted (or ADHD some may say) but we focus on things that matter. Granted that you need society or it all falls apart (and that is a serious FLAW in our logic because we assume the sandbox maintains itself so we just focus on playing in it) but our generation, in my opinion, are working towards spiritual problems and social problems (in reality they are probably problems that CANT be or SHOULDN'T be fixed) and leaving out the 'old way' if you will. 

Since humans don't really need to survive anymore (technology has squashed survival of the fittest) we don't focus on survival skills, we just focus on skills that elevate our status in the concrete jungle. MY generation knows how to 'play the game' and that's a good and bad thing. We know that people and companies our trying to screw us so we play that game back. It's kind of like this... " want to screw me and cut my benefits, social security and job stability and now you're wondering why I'm not motivated and have no loyalty to this company."

in the end we create are own horrors. Short-term thinking.

Either way it is a chaotic article give it a read...... I'm done soap-boxin'

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