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Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day: Now read this study (if you want pressure)

O.k. let me consult my daily checklist.....

1.Work a long (yet not bad day overall) shift at work....... CHECK
2. Get off said job....... CHECK
3. Grill Hamburgers because it's Labor Day......... CHECK
4. Celebrate LAbor Day because it's the first time you
     haven't worked all day in three years............... F-ING CHECK
5. Spend quality time with the family and see my brother before he moves to California...DBL CHECK

It appears as if my day is going pretty swell, so now onto business...... I've got some spare time so I'm going to be posting about the 3 articles that I've had time to read today.

Article Number 1:

A study was just released by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week and US scientists, particularly the soft-sciences (yeah I'm looking at your bulls%^t psychology), are being targeted for their increasing uses of exaggeration, fabrication and bias results produced by our cracker-jacked-education-system-produced-scientists (myself included in that insult there).  Here's one thing they had to say about soft-sciences such as Behavioral (A.k.A Bullshit objective subjective) sciences:
Behavioral science encompasses anything that studies the way people (or animals) act and interact in the world, usually through observation. So that covers fields like psychology, sociology and anthropology.
"Behavioral studies have lower methodological consensus and higher noise, making US researchers potentially more likely to express an underlying propensity to report strong and significant findings," the researchers write.

I mean who would've thought that in the U.S. of all places (where competitive perspective and intelligence aren't encouraged and self-inflated egos and a sense of entitlement is) that we'd have such a problem? Is that really a surprise when you can talk to just about any college student about how they don't want 'to do their homework' and just end up spending more time trying to be lazy and figure out how to cheat the system than to actually learn and apply said knowledge. I don't know I'm biased when it comes to american intelligence, but then again I'm fresh out of college so what do I know right? Either way here is what they had to say:

Our preferred hypothesis is derived from the fact that researchers in the United States have been exposed for a longer time than those in other countries to an unfortunate combination of pressures to publish and winner-takes-all system of rewards. This condition is believed to push researchers into either producing many results and then only publishing the most impressive ones, or to make the best of what they got by making them seem as important as possible, through post hoc analyses, rehypothesizing, and other more or less questionable practices. 

Again......cynical opinion incoming..... Who would've thought that when you stress quantity over quality that shit like this happens.

But this is also why it is very important to actually learn and get frustrated and try to figure it out on your own. You being self empowered and self motivated.

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