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Saturday, August 3, 2013

H-2-Oh my god: Water powered car (where the F$%k did that go?)

Yup, they're real. You might have heard rumors for years about cars like this getting off the ground only to be smashed by big business and here is an article about a few of those ideas. In a previous article I mentioned a guy (Stan Myers) who made a water-car and he got good poisoning and died (Cali to NY would cost 22 gallons.....of water). (video below) would be a mini LOL

Back in 2008 Japan unveiled this bad boy (pictured above), only to be shutdown a year later due to 'lack of funding'. That's some bullshit. they even posted their patents (HERE). This is crap. In all honesty though if you're going to do this than profiting off of it is the wrong angle to play this on. Personally I'd figure out the design and upload it to the internet then do a shit load of promotion so everybody could build one themselves. If you try to compete with big business you will LOSE every time, it's common sense (they have a myriad of resources at their disposal and are an entity as opposed to one person). HOWEVER.. If you cut them out of the equation COMPLETELY and 'teach a man to fish' so-to-say than their isn't shit they can do about it.

Sidenote: If people did more shit their selves and were less dependent on walmart and governments in general than humanity would be empowered, informed, and interdependent (which is a great idea about it).

another video I'd like to post while we're on topic is a video about H202/HH0 Gas (it might even be the game technology and/or principle from the car engine)
HH0 Gas- Gasoline Replacement

Stan Myers' dream was killed by conspiracy (money rules the world right?)


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