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Friday, August 30, 2013

and herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre it is, the 100th post (applause?): A Rundown on the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' movie

So we've come to this, the 100th entry. A milestone if you will... blah blah blah blah moving on.


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is slated for release on Aug. 1st 2014. Directed by 'Slither' Writer/Director James Gunn it stars Chris Pratt, John C. Reilly and many more.
Continue Reading for the Rundown

"I think we’re getting good stuff," he says. "I don’t know what to say about it other than it might be -- Oh! It’s the greatest movie of the 21st century! That’s what I’ll say. It’ll be the Citizen Kane of movies other than Citizen Kane." -Chris Pratt/ Star-lord

You you want to know more eh? Well good, cause I got what you need and the sources to back it up yo!. So let's first start off with a Role Call and synopsis.

1. Role Call- (Sourced from the Wikipedia entry and images via GOOGLE searches)

Chris Pratt AKA Peter Quill/Star-lord
The Zero-Dark-Thirty star is showcasing as headliner Star-lord. The leader of the Guardians who 
"left Earth in the mid-1980's. Describing his character, Pratt said, "He had a hard time as a kid, and now he goes around space, making out with hot alien girls and just being a rogue and a bit of a jerk, and through teaming up with these guys, finds a higher purpose for himself." "

Zoe Saldana AKA Gamora
Uhura (from Star Trek incase you didn't catch it) plays Gamora, The adopted daughter of Thanos and an associate of Ronan, Nebula and Korath who tries to find a new path for herself. Saldana said that she would become Gamora through make-up rather than CGI or performance capture. On taking the role, Saldana said, "I was just excited to be asked to join by James Gunn and to also play someone green. I've been blue before [in Avatar]."

Dave Bautista (WWE wrestler) AKA Drax the Destroyer
The WWE superstar plays Drax the destroyer, the muscle of the group if you will. In my opinon I think this was a good decision on Marvel's part. I enjoyed his performance in 'The man with the iron fists.' Bautista will be portraying a warrior in search of vengeance against Ronan[the Accuser]. "There’s a point where I go to set every day and I still can’t freaking believe I got this job,” said Bautista. “It’s something that I wanted more than anything I ever wanted in my life. When I got it, I broke down and cried like a little baby." up

Lee Pace AKA Ronan the Accuser
"Thanos' admiral who hunts down the Guardians."
That's it..... that's all we know about him (unless you've read the comics). This dude is a beast though, don't let him fool you. ;-)

Michael Rooker AKA Yondu
(no description. But you can safely bet this character WILL be an asshole as Rooker's characters usually are.)
This one goes out to you Mr. Svenning. This is one reason I'm on board automatically

Karen Gillian AKA Nebula
When she's not off fighting Daleks and Weeping Angels in Doctor Who Amy Pond Moonlights as
Nebula, the intergalactic badass who works for Thanos and has a 
"complex relationship with Gamora".

Djimon Hounsou AKA Korath
An ally to Ronan and Thanos. Hounsou took the role because of his son, stating "I wanna begin saying a story about my son. I have a four-year old son who loves superheroes from Spider-Man to Iron Man to Batman. He’s got all the costumes. One day he looks at me and says ‘Dad, I want to be light-skinned so I could be Spider-Man. Spider-Man has light skin.’ That was sort of a shock. This is why I am excited to be a part of the Marvel Universe, so I could be hopefully provide that diversity in the role of the superhero."

Benicio del Toro as The Collector
He play a crazy asshole, much like in this picture. 
(I <3 this picture)

John C. Reilly as Rhomann Dey

John C Reilly's character is the head of the NOVA corp (which is essentially like the green lanterns in the sense that they're an intergalactic policing entity) and hearing this news initially got me on board on this project. This was wayyyyyy before most of the cast had even been announced too!

Glenn Close as Nova Prime 
(who cares....NEXT)
A leadership role within the Nova Corps. Probably just another higher-up

Bradley Cooper (voice Only) AKA Rocket Raccoon

This is going to be my favorite character, I'm calling it. He's a wise-cracking foul-mouthed gun totting, cigar smoking raccoon. Could you please tell me where you could wrong with a character like that? I mean c'mon how awesome, he's like the badass, space-out version on Conker (which might be where Conker's inspiration comes from)

VIN DIESEL is also in Talks to Voice GROOT the Ent-looking entity (pun intended) in guardians who speaks like a pokemon. This is 100% yet as of this article though.

In space, an American pilot and a group of futuristic ex-cons go on the run with a highly coveted object.

How exciting and elaborate....

Beyond that though there's been a couple of nice tidbits surfacing this week concerning this project. The Bradley Cooper Voicing Rocket Raccoon thingy is brand new.

-Chris Pratt did a little interview over on's website (read it HERE). That's pretty cool!
-We found out that Ronan the Accuser will be the movies main baddy with Thanos just being a sinister mastermind as always (although they will explore him wayyyy more). Read THAT article HERE and get to know your 'Guardians of The Galaxy'

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