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Friday, August 9, 2013

The Polar Express! (actually that movie sucked, but this IS cool): Sun changing Polarity soon!

The Place: almost 93 million miles away.... The time: 3-4 months from now. The Event: The complete destruction of humanity and the total meltdown of society as our world comes crashing down in a fiery rage Or.... It is when the Sun is expected to change polarity.
"CHANGE POLARITY!!?" you say (well maybe not literally, but for the sake of the article though,  hypothetically speaking of course) well don't worry, I respond in a casual manner, because it isn't going to kill us. (HUZZAH!) Continue reading if you're so bright your parents call you son! (even if not...continue reading)

LEARN STUFF: The wikipedia article concerning what I'm talking about ----> HERE

Scientist have already stated that the North Pole has made its switch but the South Pole is "racing to catch up." 

here is an exerpt from one of the source articles (this is from

"Occasionally we will get a period of increased numbers of geomagnetic storms.  A geomagnetic storm can cause various effects on earth, including disruptions of satellite communications, it might cause a failure of a satellite, it might cause the loss of a satellite so that its orbit changes a little and you have to go hunt it up again.  So there are various things that can happen as a result of geomagnetic storms, and they are much more likely to happen during this transition time when the magnetic field switches sides."
The best part is, prior to expectation, that this is far more common than you'd realize.... every 11 years common. Ok, ok, Well TECHNICALLY it is a 22 year cycle with the poles flipping then flipping back (just so we get our facts straight). The whole solar system will be  Here's the best part:

"A reversal of the sun's magnetic field is, literally, a big event. The domain of the sun's magnetic influence (also known as the "heliosphere") extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto. Changes to the field's polarity ripple all the way out to the Voyager probes, on the doorstep of interstellar space. When solar physicists talk about solar field reversals, their conversation often centers on the "current sheet." The current sheet is a sprawling surface jutting outward from the sun's equator where the sun's slowly-rotating magnetic field induces an electrical current. The current itself is small, only one ten-billionth of an amp per square meter (0.0000000001 amps/m2), but there’s a lot of it: the amperage flows through a region 10,000 km thick and billions of kilometers wide. Electrically speaking, the entire heliosphere is organized around this enormous sheet. During field reversals, the current sheet becomes very wavy. Scherrer likens the undulations to the seams on a baseball. As Earth orbits the sun, we dip in and out of the current sheet. Transitions from one side to another can stir up stormy space weather around our planet."

Source 1:'s article
 Source 2:'s article

RANDOM: (from I fucking love science)

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