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Sunday, August 25, 2013

See Your own Brain's Alpha waves (Disclaimer: Limited to the individual. IE: YOu can only see your own)

This article has showed me one thing already and I haven't even typed the first sentence. (<--- just did though) I'm very inclined to start off EVERY article with the word 'So', and that's interesting. It would be as if I was getting ready to begin a conversation with a friend of a face-to-face basis. But I digress, one paragraph in and I haven't even put ONE single word towards the focus of this article: Alpha Waves (there now thats two words). 

Here's how I wanted to start the article so here we go:

It is Amazing how incredibly complex your brain is (and also how incredibly dumb and foolish your brain is for being the most sophisticated organic piece of machinery in the universe) but I just came across and interesting article that uses optical illusion to help you visualize the 'Alpha Waves' your brain transmits. Continue Reading further for more details (you know you wanna.....this is actually interesting)

Take a good hard look at the image below to get the full effect. Notice any colors or any sort of movement? Rodika Sokoliuk and Rufin VanRullen, two French neuroscientists, have come up with a picture that can help show you your brain's Alpha Waves
 "The pinwheel-like drawing above is nothing but black and white lines. When you look at it the right way, though, something strange and beautiful happens: it begins to flicker. You may think it's just a regular old optical illusion at first, but actually, you're looking at your very own brain waves."

 It's also as interesting as it is innovative because if all goes well this test may help people bypass more difficult and time-consuming tests (and we all know how us americans hate doing things that take time...) such as the electroencephalography EEG test. Apparantly your brain operates at a certain frequency (10Hz) and the EEG's test and this picture's test produce results right around the same frequency. Although admittedly the two know this could just be coincidence, but if proven right their method may be more applicable and practical.

Hop on over to's website if you get a chance!
Read the article HERE

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