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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Blog soup for the soul: Buncha random articles to preach about

Today is wednesday, which normally is my creativity day (although lately with Borderlands 2 and no band anymore the word 'creativity' is in review... More like a 'guess-I'm-hanging-with-bestfriends-occupying-time-mostly-playing-video-games day) where I like to spend at least a few hours, you know, creating. Right now I'm currently headlining and directing a sketch-comedy project called "Polite Aschole" and it is craaaaaaaawling along...slowly, at a stand-still for the moment due to a lack of monetary compensation.... AKA 'I can't afford to pay anybody right now, so actual work is priority numero uno'

 ANYWHO, today I decided to take a break. I needed one, from best-friends and creativity (and all the bad vibes my life generates when I'm not doing something that I love) so now that I've completed a free Algebra lesson from (one of those free online course websites I was telling ya aboot)
I'm going to post some cool gossop,news,articles, or whatever you call them (little bits of 'info' none the less) and I'm going to do it in rapid-fire succession (that way it saves you from clicking like 5 articles individually)

Here's a brief summary if you'd like to continue reading:
1. the FBI rescued over 100 teens over the weekend in sex-trafficking raids

2. The hacker who planned to showcase how to remotely kill pacemaker patient dies (strange?) before his well intentioned conference took place

3.  Scientists may have discovered the cause of Bee-mageddon, and it's worse than you thought

4.  10 myths about introverts (not really an article per se, but enjoyable nonetheless)

5. Sacred Geometry: Obtain sqaure roots from intersecting circles

so...... Read on, if you'd like to read on.

First off the chopping block is this:

1.More than 100 teens rescued in weekend sex-trafficking raids, FBI says
source article (here via
Lets me start by first saying this: whatever happens to the 'pimps,' or 'managers,' or whatever (technically they're like CEOs but that's a question of semantics) you want to call the people who led this ring, will be farrrrr less than the justice they deserve because chances are that they've done this before......countless times and have profited from destroying the lives of many young children.
Let me also start by stating that if I could have the chance for an interrogation session with a knife, coat hanger, and live flesh eating parasite, that I'd glad take it with anybody in this line of work (the pimps not the FBI) and I'd gladly love to hear them beg to their mothers or whatever god they held. But that's just the dark sadistic side of me that seeks justice and vengeance against any and ALL that would prey on somebody who can't defend themselves. I know that I believe in the law of nature, and that sometimes in life undesirabke and terrible things happens to us all and that's just the experience know as 'life' but....however.. The laws of nature don't allow, include or naturally produce events of this nature. Chimps and bears and sharks don't pimp their young for ANY (no matter what angle you try to view this from) means to ANY ends. But at least the FBI has done a good service here, even if they could've done this on a smaller scale and avoided the limelight (just like catch a predator I find it odd to seek justice for attention. As well intentioned as it is, more money could be funneled into the efforts if media involvement is taken out of the picture. IE: take the wages from the crews hired to film and apply them to hiring more detectives and such)

EITHER WAY: good news for 100+ families this weekend :-)

2. Hacker dies days before he was to reveal how to 'remotely kill' pacemaker patients
source article (complete with ^same picture) HERE via
In a bizarre turn of events that I half-expected to happen, hacker Barnaby Jack was found dead over the weekend days before giving a lecture at a LAs Vegas Hackers conference. hm..... sounds very 'coincidental', like the guy who made a car that ran off water and sold his patent to the GM only to die of food poisoning the next day. The sad part about all of this is that this man didn't hack to be malicious he hacked to show people what hackers can do. He fought for order not chaos (or chaos not order depending on your views of how useful governments are) and wanted to demonstrate this, not to scare or terrify people, but to educate and uplift them. If there was a weakness that could be exploited he wanted it to be known. after all...... knowing how to build a bomb isn't dangerous, building a bomb is dangerous.

I was intrigued by the fact that these critical life devices communicate wirelessly. I decided to look at pacemakers and ICDs (implantable cardioverter defibrillators) to see if they communicated securely and if it would be possible for an attacker to remotely control these devices,” Jack told Vice last month.
It just sucks that it takes the cost of ones life these days to really stand up for what's right. Whether it's your life literally (like this gent here) or whether it's your life's freedom (like Edward Snowden or Bradley Manning). I know the costs for freedom are the highest costs but shit.....the costs of paragons these days. (then again I'd pay it gladly if given the chance)

3. Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
I'm glad that we've decided to care about this problem now that it's a problem (a stupid habit humanity seems to never get rid of) but things might be a little harder to comeback from now. recently a study was published in the journal PLOS ONE by scientists at the University of Maryland and a 'witches brew' of pesticides and fungicides has been identified as a major factor.

"When researchers collected pollen from hives on the east coast pollinating cranberry, watermelon and other crops and fed it to healthy bees, those bees showed a significant decline in their ability to resist infection by a parasite calledNosema ceranae. The parasite has been implicated in Colony Collapse Disorder though scientists took pains to point out that their findings do not directly link the pesticides to CCD. The pollen was contaminated on average with nine different pesticides and fungicides though scientists discovered 21 agricultural chemicals in one sample. Scientists identified eight ag chemicals associated with increased risk of infection by the parasite."
Source article can be found HERE via 

4.  Short and sweet: 10 myths about introverts
click picture or 'HERE'

Numbuh 5. Sacred Geometry: How to derive square roots from intersecting circles!
found this website while looking for help while taking a free algebra lesson!
Again.... click picture or 'HERE'

THERE YA HAVE IT..updated!

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