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Monday, July 29, 2013

Who Would've guessed: NASA Van Allen Probes Discover Particle Accelerator in Earth's Radiation Belts

(hurray I found my own article artwork..VIA google! At least it isn't borrowed from source article)

who woulda thought? seriously? Just for a second. Who would've thought to look in ORBIT!
pssshhh figures... Scientists love wasting money. Just kidding! but here's the scoop:

NASA's Van Allen Probes (hehe..probes) have made a remarkable, exciting and very unusual discovery-- They've found a natural particle accelerator right in the heart of the Earth's radiation belts, and it is speeding up tiny particles to more than 99 percent the speed of light. (FYI: anything with MASS cannot achieve 100% the speed of light, it is NOT possible...yet)

continue reading for MORE INFO!

"Until the 1990s, we thought that the Van Allen belts were pretty well-behaved and changed slowly," said Geoff Reeves, the first author of the new paper, in a news release. "With more and more measurements, however, we realized how quickly and unpredictably the radiation belts changed. They are basically never in equilibrium, but in a constant state of change."

And There ya have it folks, who needs CERN and the LHC when you've got that shit (oh wait....I guess they are exponentially more practical for our purposes...I'll shut up) floating around in space. and one thing space has is.... SPACE (and Dark Matter, but that's another story for another day).

If you'd like to read the source article you can find it on scienceworldreport's website---> HERE <---

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